What is Balanced Coaching? Why Does it Work?
The Balanced Coaching nutrition program uses a system backed by science and cutting-edge technology instead of the reliance on diet fads, wishful thinking, and lists of “good” and “bad” foods to push you toward your desired results. Our weight loss program has been built to teach the value in making changes focused on healthy dietary habits instead of a short-term, quick fix. Our goal is to show you that you can create long lasting results without depleting your body and mind of what it needs to sustain an optimal, healthy, and manageable state.
Have confidence throughout your program under the insightful eye of our Balanced Coaching expert nutrition coach, Sarah. After personally meeting and setting short & long term goals together, you will receive your custom and lifestyle specific calorie goal with full program booklet. Your Certified Nutrition Coach will be guiding you in training your metabolism, so as your body changes, so will your calorie goal. Through consistent progression, your body’s needs will begin evolving and what may have been optimal numbers when you first started will no longer fit your current nutritional needs. Have 100% certainty in your program and the results you are working so hard for knowing that the Balanced Coaching’ system adapts and adjusts as your body changes.
Over the duration of your program, you will experience a shift in your body and mind. The connection between habit changes and sustained results happens here, in a heightened sense of self-trust, confidence, and excitement about the choices you are making.
Member Benefits

Customized Program
Our nutrition coach will develop a custom program that will compliment your health, body composition, and personal goals using systematic formulas in combination with your InBody570 scan results.

Data Driven Results
Your program includes monthly body scans using our state-of-the-art InBody570 machine. The InBody570 performs a full analysis of your segmental fat mass and lean mass, visceral fat level, basal metabolic rate, and the identification of inflammation & injury.

One-On-One Coaching
Attend monthly one-on-one meetings with our certified nutrition coach, Sarah McNamara, who will motivate, inspire, and educate you throughout the duration of your program. Her knowledgeable advice and helpful recommendations will guide you toward long-term success!

Weekly Meal Options
Your program includes a full month’s worth of whole sourced, fresh-never frozen, preservative free meals by Balanced Body Foods. With the client exclusive online “piggy bank” system, you will enjoy easy ordering from our rotating menu and receive free home delivery or in store pick-up options.
Ready to Get Started?
The time for guesswork is over. Our Nutritional Coaching will provide exactly what you need to be successful in your health and body sculpting goals through expert guidance and a support system with you every step of the way. Your journey awaits!
Balanced Coaching
3 and 6 Month Commitments Available.
- Customized weight loss plan ($250 Value)
- Initial InBody570 scan ($25 Value)
- Initial one-on-one coach’s meeting ($100 Value)
- Scheduled InBody570 scans at week four, week eight, and week twelve ($100 Value)
- Scheduled one-on-one coach’s meetings at week four, week eight and week twelve ($100/Meeting Value)
- Free home delivery on all meal orders ($120 Value)
- 10% off all shake bar purchases at our Hertel Avenue and Transit Road locations ($8.00 average price)
- A meal code to use each week towards your meal orders online. Codes are loaded monthly and the nutritional coach will help guide you in how to use the meals to meet your goals.
Client Testimonials
About Our Nutrition Coach Sarah McNamara

Sarah is one of our Certified Nutrition Coaches at Jada Blitz Fitness and Balanced Body. She's been a part of the Jada team since 2022 and a gym member since 2015. She loves to cook and create healthy foods and recipes. Sarah enjoys recreating healthier versions of some of our most guilty food pleasures.
Jada Blitz Fitness and Balanced Body Foods are the first establishments Sarah has ever worked as a Certified Nutrition Coach. Her love of food and healthy living led her to pursue Nutrition. Sarah played soccer and was a goalkeeper at Buffalo State College her freshman year. During her sophomore year, she had to stop play because of her concussion history. This led her to working out at Jada Blitz Fitness to stay active.
Sarah truly believes that food is fuel. What we put into our body affects the outcome. Because so many people have an unhealthy relationships with food. Sarah wants to educate them about food, how it affects their bodies, and the results they see in and outside the gym.
What we put into our bodies is what we get out. Properly nourishing our bodies is crucial in achieving our goals and living a healthy lifestyle.
Sarah attended SUNY Buffalo State College and graduated with a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. She is also a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach.